

Today we’re learning a bit of Japanese.  The term “ichiban” (apart from being the name of a restaurant) means “number one, the best”.  Are you ichiban?  Are you the most important person in your life? Sunday I met Stephanie.  She’s a divorced mother of four; the...

I Surrender! Do you really?

I realized in “Going Deeper,” the workshop on masculine/feminine energy I recently attended, how often I fight with myself and others.  It’s almost a hobby, being in conflict with realities I don’t wish to experience.  Sound familiar to anyone else?  At one point Ian...
Feminine/Masculine Energy

Feminine/Masculine Energy

I recently returned from a workshop on tantric energy given by the brilliant Ian Ellington.  I thank him as my source for this posting.  Joining 23 other men, I explored the impact our life energy has on transforming our lives. Tantra is a group of spiritual teachings...

Male Spirituality V: Fathers’ Day…for All Fathers?

The vast majority of fathers in our country are excellent parents.  Yet stereotypes about men and assumptions about their maleness are far too prejudicial in a number of areas regarding fathers and their children.  Steven Van Valkenburg and Trudy Scheutt write on...

Space: The Final Frontier

The other day I went up to my friend Mark’s home.  He and his roommate rent the second and attic floors of a nice early 20th century home in Boston.  He’d let things go for a while and asked me to help him reorganize his space.  It was not terribly difficult...