The Big “T”

The Big “T”

In 2007 I had an acoustic neuroma removed from my right skull.  This is a benign tumor of the insulating cells of the balance nerve.  It occurs quite often and can strike anyone at almost any age.  It grows slowly, but can cause a lot of long-term damage, affecting...
Male Spirituality Part I: Religion

Male Spirituality Part I: Religion

A lot of what passes for spirituality is actually religion.  Religion by definition is that which connects us to something or someone beyond us.  Religion consists of ritual acts and community involvement whereby an individual immerses himself in an objective reality...

Our Women Heroes

Contact the Man’s Coach, at We are increasingly aware of the major impact on our culture that women have always had; how truly heroic they have been, frequently in the most...

Coaching OR Counseling?

A lot of people confuse coaching with various kinds of therapy or counseling.  I recently read a great summary:  “A coach is an active, objective thinking partner who enables the client to achieve future goals by focusing on where they are now and where they...
Male Spirituality Part I: Religion

The Hero, the Übermensch

A predisposition which I believe dominates in many men’s lives is desire to be heroic.  Most men I know want to be the Übermensch, the truly good person who rescues others.  We see this in full flower through those who sacrifice themselves totally for their fellow...