by Michael Parise | Mar 23, 2021
I think I’ve finally solved a mystery about friendship that I’ve wondered about most of my life: Why I have had so few real, lasting friendships. Since I was four years old, I struggled to identify and foster friendships. I usually ended up feeling left out,...
by Michael Parise | Mar 20, 2021
How do you know when you’re in a ‘gracious career’? How does it feel? Is it the feeling you get when you’ve experienced totally strings-free love? Or: Is it like receiving a gift for no other reason than you happen to exist? It is our right as humans to live...
by Michael Parise | Mar 19, 2021
Believe it or not, everything, including your career and your home life, depend on the cosmos. That’s because everything and everyone is made up of combinations of 118 known atomic elements. Every atom is constructed of fixed numbers of protons with a positive...
by Michael Parise | Aug 19, 2013
Who is the healer in your life? If you’re looking in a mirror, it’s the person staring back at you! Nothing is more exciting than discovering someone who claims to have the power to heal. Jesus is a good example. When almost anyone speaks of Jesus, it’s often in...
by Michael Parise | Jun 2, 2012
People have a variety of reactions toward the subject of sexuality. Some leave their sexuality on a shelf and take down every once and while to use it. Others maintain a duality regarding sexuality so that it is enjoyable only when accompanied by a dose of guilt. ...