The Message in Distress: Six Tips

The Message in Distress: Six Tips

I don’t know anyone who wants distress in their lives. It makes us feel helpless. We look for someone or something to blame, but it doesn’t relieve the distress. Yet if we look hard, we’ll find a message in our distress. Knowing that message doesn’t necessarily...
Change Your Life With Personal Rituals

Change Your Life With Personal Rituals

Most of us hear, “ritual” and we think, “religion.” Yet ritual goes far beyond that. At their heart rituals are actions we create for ourselves that have meaning for us, that support our values, and that help shift us through personal life challenges. We take some...
Six Ways People Feel about Religion

Six Ways People Feel about Religion

I’ve met people who feel that religion and spirituality don’t have a place in their lives. They are half right. It is possible to have nothing to do with organized religions and still be spiritual. “Religion” means “to the bound to.” There are all sorts of ways of...
Six Tips to Get the Message From Change

Six Tips to Get the Message From Change

Do you look forward to and enjoy all changes in your life? I doubt it.  Too much change, too soon can be overwhelming. Too little, too late is discouraging. Yet in every change there is a message. Change can bring joy and it can usher in distress. And sometimes...
Heroes and Geniuses: Which Are You?

Heroes and Geniuses: Which Are You?

Well, which are you, Hero or Genius? You’ll likely say,”Neither.” I beg to differ; chances are you are both. Whenever possible I look for broader definitions of words such as hero or genius. That said, I found in the dictionary (Miriam Webster) that...
Leaders Without Titles

Leaders Without Titles

Who doesn’t like a title? As a priest I’ve met abbots, monsignors, bishops, cardinals, and popes. All men, different titles. Institutions such as the church, academia, government, and corporations thrive on the use of titles. They define roles. They also imply a load...