What Is The Universe About?

What Is The Universe About?

I recently came across three concepts that have guided humans in their quest to understand the universe. The first I had heard about many times, especially growing up in New England: Transcendentalism. One had known something about: Pantheism. The third was new to me:...
What Is The Universe About?

Career Success And The Cosmos

Believe it or not, everything, including your career and your home life, depend on the cosmos. That’s because everything and everyone is made up of combinations of 118 known atomic elements. Every atom is constructed of fixed numbers of protons with a positive...
What Is The Universe About?

Where Your Core Meets the Road

Years ago there was a television commercial for Firestone tires with a catchy jingle: ‘Where the rubber meets the road!” The same is true of the core of our humanity.  Life happens where the ‘core meets the road.’ Where is your life going right now?What is the...
What Is The Universe About?

Seven Tips to ‘Human-Being’

I know you want to be successful in what you do. It’s pretty easy to measure success. But do you feel successful? So many of us are so busy that we put aside how we feel. And even if you feel successful you may not savor that feeling for very long. Distractions at...
What Is The Universe About?

Spiritually Courageous or AWOL?

Would you consider yourself spiritually courageous? In my opinion this means that you gather strength from the core of who you are, to act on your values, even when seemingly impossible. Have you ever been spiritually AWOL (absent-with-out-leave)? This means that...
What Is The Universe About?

Taking Time To Heal

Whether you acknowledge it or not, there is something in your life that needs healing. We don’t live very long before our spirits are wounded by unkind remarks, unreasonable expectations, or traumas that reside in our bodies, ready to be triggered again by the...