Coaching OR Counseling?

A lot of people confuse coaching with various kinds of therapy or counseling.  I recently read a great summary:  “A coach is an active, objective thinking partner who enables the client to achieve future goals by focusing on where they are now and where they...
Our Stories and Who we really are…

Our Stories and Who we really are…

Many of us are caught in the web of stories we tell ourselves and others about us.  They are stories often rooted in the past, often germinating in a seminal experience of disappointment, betrayal, or even abuse.  Our imperfect parents and siblings fueled the stories...
Our Stories and Who we really are…

A Cogent Analysis

I recommend reading the National Catholic Reporter article called: Hierarchy’s inability to mourn thwarts healing in church,  May. 07, 2012  by Mary Gail Frawley-O’Dea.  In it she cogently explains the difficulty the Catholic Church is in because of the...