Eternity through Sexuality

Eternity through Sexuality

When was the last time you spent a few quiet moments with nothing and no one but yourself?  What surfaced as the important desires of your heart?  Whenever I reflect like this, two major desires surface for me: relationships and making a difference. Through our...
Eternity through Sexuality

Impure Thoughts

For many years hearing confessions I would listen to the anguish, especially of senior Catholics, concerning their “impure thoughts.”  It was impressed upon them by parents and teachers that the desires of the flesh, especially sexual thoughts, were in conflict with...
Eternity through Sexuality

Many Variations

As I work with men, I am constantly honored by their trust in me, as well as by their courageous life stories.  Every one of them is like a bright facet, shining a new perspective on the vast variety of manhood. I met another courageous man this weekend.  Tim worked...
Eternity through Sexuality

Male Spirituality III: Eroticism and Sexuality

People have a variety of reactions toward the subject of sexuality.  Some leave their sexuality on a shelf and take down every once and while to use it.  Others maintain a duality regarding sexuality so that it is enjoyable only when accompanied by a dose of guilt. ...