Talking With Your Truest Self

Talking With Your Truest Self

Usually when we talk to ourselves it’s for emphasis or out of frustration. We’re not addressing the core of who we are; rather we are letting off steam. And steam just evaporates into thin air. What if I were to tell you that there’s a person inside of you who would...
Talking With Your Truest Self

Taking Time To Heal

Whether you acknowledge it or not, there is something in your life that needs healing. We don’t live very long before our spirits are wounded by unkind remarks, unreasonable expectations, or traumas that reside in our bodies, ready to be triggered again by the...
Talking With Your Truest Self

The Season to Heal Perfectionism

‘Tis the season to be jolly? NOT! For a lot of people this holiday season is particularly not a happy one with pandemic lockdowns, masks, unemployment, physical hunger, and the threat of being homeless. Millions are emotionally drained; extroverts who depend on being...
The Message in Distress: Six Tips

The Message in Distress: Six Tips

I don’t know anyone who wants distress in their lives. It makes us feel helpless. We look for someone or something to blame, but it doesn’t relieve the distress. Yet if we look hard, we’ll find a message in our distress. Knowing that message doesn’t necessarily...
Talking With Your Truest Self

Longing to Belong

The happiest memories I have are when I felt as if I belonged to something larger than myself: family, church, cadre of friends, orchestras, choruses.  As a life coach I am privileged to help create this kind of “instant” community for an hour or so whenever I offer a...