Getting Honest about Liberation

Getting Honest about Liberation

Are you really living the life you want?  What is keeping you from a closer examination of where you are going?   What are you afraid of?  Are you willing to be brutally honest with yourself?  Fundamentally these are the basic questions we ought to ask ourselves from...
Getting Honest about Liberation

Christopher’s Perspective

A lot has been being written about Christopher Columbus’ place in history as an heroic figure.  Reexamining the perspective he and his culture had toward “discovery” of the New World has prompted a number of western states to rename Columbus Day “Indigenous People’s...
Getting Honest about Liberation

Life or Career?

Do you want a life or a career?  How does your career define you?  Or is it a subset of your life?  These can be uncomfortable questions we avoid because they hit ask us to question deeply our identity as persons.  As a long-time member of the ordained clergy I used...
Getting Honest about Liberation

Spirituality, the Original iPhone

Living in the iPhone age we tend to think all we need to communicate is literally at our fingertips.   With a few flicks and several taps we are able to go anywhere, see almost everything, and be in contact with nearly everyone.  Yet we don’t need to give Apple our...
Getting Honest about Liberation

Blame vs. Responsibility

The recent comments of a political candidate that 47% of the American population has become dependent on government assistance and is content with their situation sounds to me a lot like assigning blame.  He seems to be saying that somehow our country is “less than”...