by Michael Parise | Mar 7, 2021
Would you consider yourself spiritually courageous? In my opinion this means that you gather strength from the core of who you are, to act on your values, even when seemingly impossible. Have you ever been spiritually AWOL (absent-with-out-leave)? This means that...
by Michael Parise | Dec 30, 2017
Big mistake many leaders make (whether a parent, CEO, or politician): viewing crisis as a bad thing. Crisis is the life-blood of change. Crisis focuses on the future, ultimately leading to the resolution of conflicts and complaints. Without the proper understanding...
by Michael Parise | Jul 11, 2013
I actually haven’t made a lot of major decisions in my life. Most of them were fairly common, auxiliary to the big ones. And my big decisions have been primarily focused on money, jobs and education…in order to find a career and make a living. A couple of...