by Michael Parise | Dec 18, 2013
I love it when I get feedback concerning posts on this blog or some of my other writings, such as the free pamphlets readers can download from my site. Read what one correspondent says about my most current pamphlet: Twelve Powerful Words Needed for Spiritual...
by Michael Parise | Dec 5, 2013
The other day as I was going into Market Basket to do my food shopping (where I can save almost 20% over Stop and Shop…yes this is a brazen plug!) a woman in the parking lot began to chat with me. She was a lovely, older lady, articulate and clearly not afraid to...
by Michael Parise | Oct 15, 2013
The following came from a good friend who has been reflecting deeply on core values. I share his thoughts with you! I am just completing ‘The God Delusion’ by Dawkins. (I know, I came late to the party!) A few years ago I read ‘Letter To A...
by Michael Parise | May 15, 2013
Beyond the emotional and cognitive elements that connect us with our spirituality, practice is the most obvious. Practice externalizes our spiritual experience and at the same time, is a portal through which we walk deeper into our lives. Practices connect us to...
by Michael Parise | May 9, 2013
Most of us connect to our spirituality through our emotions (see previous posting). A second way we connect is cognitively or intellectually. For many this hearkens back to “Sunday School” days and the drilling of questions and answers. Not necessarily a favorite...