by Michael Parise | Feb 28, 2013
Twenty percent of the population is Highly Sensitive. This means having certain characteristics that more robust people often do not acknowledge or understand. Highly Sensitive persons need to understand and accept themselves in very specific ways in order to find...
by Michael Parise | Jan 14, 2013
I often wake up at 4:30 AM in the midst of a very demanding and intense dream. The dream is usually one of conflict, argument, or internal problem-solving. Sometimes I can fall back to sleep after a bathroom visit (I wonder what the correlation is between dreaming...
by Michael Parise | Sep 10, 2012
I am coming out publicly as an HSP, a highly sensitive person. I know that “my kind” is a minority and that we are generally misunderstood, especially we men. Some of us were bullied mercilessly as children for being HSP. We seem to refuse to “fit in.” Others...
by Michael Parise | Sep 9, 2012
Are you are easily overwhelmed by stimuli, get stressed by loud noises and strong smells, are extremely perceptive, have a rich and often intense internal life, become depleted when it’s time for food and nutrition, and need plenty of quiet and down time to maintain...