Finding Mr. Right

Finding Mr. Right

In my last post, Facing My Biggest Fear, I wrote about how I tried to avoid isolation and loneliness most of my life.  I concluded this post with:  I now have a new perspective.  Instead of seeking the perfect date I am going out on dates…with myself.  I have got to...
Finding Mr. Right

Facing My Biggest Fear

What is your biggest fear, the one you’ve struggled to overcome for years, the one that continues to stymie your best efforts at conquering?  Some people fear the concrete: animals or insects, flying or closed spaces.  My biggest fear is less tangible.   I fear living...
Finding Mr. Right

Single Dads

Not enough is written or spoken about children who are being raised primarily or exclusively by men.   The tendency in our culture is to believe that only mothers are innately capable of nurturing children.  Our media do little to dispel this myth.  Yet nothing is...
Finding Mr. Right

Who are My Friends?

Facebook has put the word “friend” into the mouths and minds of millions.  We now can gather hundreds of people into our cyber-friend category.  But…who are the people you can count on as real friends?  Most of us intuitively know what real friendship is all about. ...
Finding Mr. Right

Thanks, but No Thanks!

I really don’t have much I wish to be thankful for.  I am not thankful that a huge number of my brothers and sisters continue to suffer from the recession.  I am not thankful that my neighbors’ homes are under water, sometime literally!  I am not thankful that I can’t...