by Michael Parise | May 18, 2012
Many of us baby boomers grew up with the belief that life would not change a whole lot, once basic decisions about career, marriage, and family were made sometime our twenties. Looking back that notion of stability seems utterly ridiculous. We were, of course,...
by Michael Parise | May 8, 2012
Many of us are caught in the web of stories we tell ourselves and others about us. They are stories often rooted in the past, often germinating in a seminal experience of disappointment, betrayal, or even abuse. Our imperfect parents and siblings fueled the stories...
by Michael Parise | May 7, 2012 purchase generic cialisI recommend reading the National Catholic Reporter article called: Hierarchy’s inability to mourn thwarts healing in church, May. 07, 2012 by Mary Gail Frawley-O’Dea. In it she cogently explains the difficulty...