Death By Comparison

Death By Comparison

Self-motivation is key to success. Yet the wrong kind and I can be very hard on myself. Maybe you too? Are you in the habit of blaming yourself whenever something doesn’t work out quite right?Do you fantasize about a perfect scenario where all the pieces of your life...
“I Don’t Get No Respect”

“I Don’t Get No Respect”

Who remembers the comedian Rodney Dangerfield?  His whole skit was centered around one line.  As he straightened his tie he’d say, “I don’t get no respect!”  And don’t we sometimes feel the same way as we’re pummeled by crowds, bureaucracy, paperwork, robo-calls,...
Death By Comparison

Four Keys to Motivation

Is there some change you wish to make but you just can’t get motivated?  Have you lost the motivation you used have in your career, hobbies, relationships, personal health?  Are you frustrated that motivation doesn’t simply “appear” when you need it most? One of the...
Death By Comparison


Choice, Action, Balance, Cycles, Process, Integrity, Compassion, Expectation, Surrender, Presence:  these are the words and concepts James Dickson gave me to reflect on to help me find my authentic self.  They are his Powerful Words Needed for Spiritual Fulfillment....
Death By Comparison

Defending the Castle

Our lives are like castles that we like to protect.  Two tools I’ve found useful are vigilance and judgment.  Vigilance is devoted attentiveness or watchfulness.  Judgment in this case is the formation of an opinion after consideration or deliberation and the capacity...