Are You Defensively Offensive?

I have a friend named Chuck who’s a pain in the……, well, you get the picture.  Chuck is always on the defense, worried about how people will think of him.   He is never wrong and carefully takes the time to rip apart anyone who challenges his vast knowledge.   Chuck’s...

“I Miss My Wife!”

I had been working with Tim on a project and we’d been getting excited over the fact that he was becoming a dad for a second time very soon.  In fact his wife is due as I am writing this blog.  Tim and Beth have an older son, about two years old.  They’ll be awash in...
Male Spirituality Part I: Religion

Male Spirituality Part I: Religion

A lot of what passes for spirituality is actually religion.  Religion by definition is that which connects us to something or someone beyond us.  Religion consists of ritual acts and community involvement whereby an individual immerses himself in an objective reality...

Real Men are Enablers

Effective coaching ought to help men be enablers.  My father was an enabler.  We often hear the word in reference to someone who tolerates or encourages dysfunctional behavior such as substance addiction.  But there are positive enablers too; my father was one. My...

The Traditional Family Factor

I happen to love the programs “Modern Family” and “Family Guy”.  I’ve set my DVR to record each episode every week so I can savor them at my leisure.  Both shows attempt to spin “traditional family values” in very different ways. The phrase, “traditional family...