Facing My Biggest Fear

Facing My Biggest Fear

What is your biggest fear, the one you’ve struggled to overcome for years, the one that continues to stymie your best efforts at conquering?  Some people fear the concrete: animals or insects, flying or closed spaces.  My biggest fear is less tangible.   I fear living...
Facing My Biggest Fear

Daring to Date

Having been out of the dating game for most of my life (read more about why in my website) I am pretty clueless as to what that scene is like.  I imagine some variation exists by age group due to use of social media, texting, and smart phones.  Or maybe “dating” in...
Facing My Biggest Fear

“Family Man”

I find it fascinating to hear how often our candidates for national office are being called “family men.”  What is a “family man” and how does that impart a higher character or make one a better public servant?  I think the term “family man” actually is rather...
Facing My Biggest Fear

Why Sex is So Important to Men

My last post dealt with Sex: Use and Misuse.  Today I want you to reflect on intimacy and sex and why sex is so important for many men.  It’s because a lot of men are uncomfortable with intentional emotional intimacy and find sex to be a shortcut for them. A funny...
Facing My Biggest Fear

Coach Mom

I delighted in seeing Michael Phelps’ mother during the Olympic Games.  Debbie Phelps appears to be one of those wonderfully centered women whose simple enthusiastic presence and clear empathy have made all the difference in Michael’s world.  She reminds me of my...