by Michael Parise | Aug 14, 2017
The mantra of “personal fulfillment” occupies many minds and hearts. Built into us is a desire for completion, for knowing our lives matter. Yet striving for personal fulfillment is an overrated goal. Let me explain. The word itself tells part of the story: being...
by Michael Parise | Dec 2, 2012
Facebook has put the word “friend” into the mouths and minds of millions. We now can gather hundreds of people into our cyber-friend category. But…who are the people you can count on as real friends? Most of us intuitively know what real friendship is all about. ...
by Michael Parise | Nov 18, 2012
I really don’t have much I wish to be thankful for. I am not thankful that a huge number of my brothers and sisters continue to suffer from the recession. I am not thankful that my neighbors’ homes are under water, sometime literally! I am not thankful that I can’t...
by Michael Parise | Nov 12, 2012
Okay, full confession: I have centuries of Southern Italian blood coursing through my veins. And I’m half Sicilian, so given that Island’s history I probably have Arabic, Greek, French, Latin, and North African influences. So it’s no surprise that I react strongly...
by Michael Parise | Oct 27, 2012
I can be a very “emotional” person at times. I have strong reactions both to the good and the bad in life, both to beauty and horror. I tend to shed tears whenever I am in awe or hit between the eyes with human tragedy. How would you describe your emotional...