Fulfillment is Way Overrated!

Fulfillment is Way Overrated!

 The mantra of “personal fulfillment” occupies many minds and hearts. Built into us is a desire for completion, for knowing our lives matter. Yet striving for personal fulfillment is an overrated goal. Let me explain. The word itself tells part of the story: being...
Fulfillment is Way Overrated!

Who are My Friends?

Facebook has put the word “friend” into the mouths and minds of millions.  We now can gather hundreds of people into our cyber-friend category.  But…who are the people you can count on as real friends?  Most of us intuitively know what real friendship is all about. ...
Fulfillment is Way Overrated!

Thanks, but No Thanks!

I really don’t have much I wish to be thankful for.  I am not thankful that a huge number of my brothers and sisters continue to suffer from the recession.  I am not thankful that my neighbors’ homes are under water, sometime literally!  I am not thankful that I can’t...
Fulfillment is Way Overrated!

React or Respond?

Okay, full confession: I have centuries of Southern Italian blood coursing through my veins.  And I’m half Sicilian, so given that Island’s history I probably have Arabic, Greek, French, Latin, and North African influences.  So it’s no surprise that I react strongly...
Fulfillment is Way Overrated!

Emotions vs. Affect: Part 1 of 2

I can be a very “emotional” person at times.  I have strong reactions both to the good and the bad in life, both to beauty and horror.  I tend to shed tears whenever I am in awe or hit between the eyes with human tragedy. How would you describe your emotional...