by Michael Parise | Feb 5, 2018
Life Coaches often are thought of as having their “act together.” Yet the most effective life coaches are those who struggle with common issues such as depression, anxiety, fear, and compulsive thoughts or behaviors. I cannot emphasize more than it is not in...
by Michael Parise | May 30, 2015
I’ve been facing fear. It’s a slow process because it’s so deeply engrained in my personality. I also fear what I might uncover if I put it under a microscope. Fear controls much more of my life than I’d like to believe. It’s like an old friend who barges into my...
by Michael Parise | Aug 12, 2014
I used to think I’d reach a point in life when I’d have no more surprises, especially on the emotional health front. Yet lately I’ve been experiencing something new, strange, and a bit disturbing. It happens on rare occasion and takes me by surprise. I think...
by Michael Parise | Feb 26, 2014
Life is a battle and facing life head-on is the only battle-plan that wins the war. A lot of us try the back-door approach and ultimately we come out feeling like losers. Full consciousness and facing head-on the challenges of career, family, children, and friends...
by Michael Parise | Jun 27, 2013
Writing about this subject is very difficult for me. It goes to the core of my insecurities and fears and triggers painful memories and emotions. I am one of thousands who have been bullied both at home and outside. The American Academy of Pediatrics has finally...