Male Spirituality IV: Proud to be Gay?

Male Spirituality IV: Proud to be Gay?

This week Boston is celebrating Gay Pride.  A friend of mine told me of an encounter he had with a Polish couple visiting Boston years ago.  They happened to be with him touring about on the weekend of Gay Pride.  As they traipsed through the streets of downtown, they...

What Will Be Your Next Life?

When I turned 60 this past January, I was not fazed.  In fact I welcomed the opportunity to enter into what would be the last third of my life, the infancy of old age.  Due to medical advances many people my age can expect to live to be 100.  Being 60 also means...

Are You Defensively Offensive?

I have a friend named Chuck who’s a pain in the……, well, you get the picture.  Chuck is always on the defense, worried about how people will think of him.   He is never wrong and carefully takes the time to rip apart anyone who challenges his vast knowledge.   Chuck’s...

Kids without Goals

A lot of parents have welcomed their adult children back home.  This is not always a joyous moment for some parents.  Friends of mine, Jim and Liz, have a son, now 22, who is extremely bright but who found college unstimulating.  He was dismissed for not showing up...
Male Spirituality IV: Proud to be Gay?

Worshipping at the Shrine of Mr. Clean

I had a cleaning gig a few weeks ago to prepare a house for renting.  There I met a young man who was wonderfully curious about what cleaning products I used for various parts of the house.  For example, I told him I use powdered bleaching cleanser for toilets;...