Helping with Questions

Helping with Questions

It often seems we’re hyper-sensitive about invading other people’s privacy.  As a result a lot of people engage in inane or boring conversation, trying to tip-toe around questions that appear to be invasive.  Yet asking questions, especially personal questions, can be...
Helping with Questions

Getting Honest about Liberation

Are you really living the life you want?  What is keeping you from a closer examination of where you are going?   What are you afraid of?  Are you willing to be brutally honest with yourself?  Fundamentally these are the basic questions we ought to ask ourselves from...
Helping with Questions

Confessions of an HSP, Part 2

As a highly sensitive person I coped for many decades by compartmentalizing my life.  I allowed my brain to process nearly all my emotions and reactions in order not to feel them.  I thought I was protecting myself from being overwhelmed by feelings of compassion and...
Helping with Questions

Confessions of an HSP, Part 1

I am coming out publicly as an HSP, a highly sensitive person.  I know that “my kind” is a minority and that we are generally misunderstood, especially we men.  Some of us were bullied mercilessly as children for being HSP.  We seem to refuse to “fit in.”  Others...
Helping with Questions

Courage to Change

Many of us baby boomers grew up with the belief that life would not change a whole lot, once basic decisions about career, marriage, and family were made sometime our twenties.  Looking back that notion of stability seems utterly ridiculous.  We were, of course,...