by Michael Parise | Feb 12, 2021
Do you want more connection in life…not the LinkedIn or Facebook kind, but meaningful, personal connection? If so, you will have to make more space for play. Behind your busy, overworked (or under employed) life, you may be living in constant stress. Stress can be a...
by Michael Parise | Jun 12, 2014
If I were to describe the way I often feel it would be “out of whack”. Like water I seek my equilibrium in life, but it can often elude me. Just when I may have had a good night’s sleep (an increasingly rare occurrence) I put on the morning news show (big mistake!)...
by Michael Parise | Nov 7, 2013
Choice, Action, Balance, Cycles, Process, Integrity, Compassion, Expectation, Surrender, Presence: these are the words and concepts James Dickson gave me to reflect on to help me find my authentic self. They are his Powerful Words Needed for Spiritual Fulfillment....
by Michael Parise | Sep 27, 2013
I always thought I was a person of integrity…that is until I examined the many ways in which I wriggled out of taking responsibility and blamed others for my disappointments in life. I refused to believe I had choices. I used my own brand of logic, my background in...
by Michael Parise | Jul 25, 2013
As I’ve previously written about my own experience of depression I thought it might be logical to write on a related topic: melancholy. Decades ago it was often used as a synonym for depression and not much is written about it anymore. But I think there’s a...