After leaving a job or being laid off, new challenges arise that might hit you across your head like a two-by-four. In my Life/Career Coaching, I’ve worked with plenty of clients adjusting to such a major change.
Here are some issues that my clients have brought up. I share them with you so that you don’t feel alone and so that you address them intelligently. Listen to your inner sage rather than those nasty saboteurs that drag you down like a bullied teenager.
Before you pay too much attention to that voice prompting you to dump your job, maybe your sage wants you to consider:
Post job questions:
- If I had no economic or relational limitations, what does my heart tell me that I really want to do?
- How do I want to make a difference in the world?
- What steps do I need to take to carry out my life goal?
- What is the difference my existence in this world makes?
- What are all the skills I’ve learned thus far?
- Do I want to work for someone else or for myself?
These are some of the questions I had to ask when I left the security of 32 years as a Catholic parish priest eleven years ago. I knew I ‘wanted to help others, to offer value based in my knowledge and skills.’ But this was too general.
I needed to settle into how I wanted to change the world for the better, how I was going to go about it, and the core reason why I existed. With a lot of work I was able to get the elements: mission, vision, and purpose, down on paper, each in a simple sentence. Clarification is the key.
Questions That Pertain to Job Applications:
- You mean I need a separate resume for each job application?
- What is and how do I write a cover letter?
- What value is there in Linked In?
- What style of networking seems to work for me?
- Why aren’t my qualifications, and talents obvious?
- Why don’t I get responses to my applications?
- Is it really who you know and not what you do?
- How should I prepare for interviews?
If you haven’t discussed these issues with professionals who want to help you, then you’re ignoring the core of the job search process.
Questions Dealing with Difficult Realities:
- Am I willing to relocate? How far away?
- What are my dependents’ needs and concerns?
- How much debt am I carrying?
- Do I have an emergency fund?
- How close am I to my ideal retirement age?
- Have I prepared end of life documents: will, living will, healthcare proxy, durable power of attorney?
I’d love to hear about your journey so far! Schedule a 45-minute meeting with me.
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