Change Your Life With Personal Rituals

Change Your Life With Personal Rituals

Most of us hear, “ritual” and we think, “religion.” Yet ritual goes far beyond that. At their heart rituals are actions we create for ourselves that have meaning for us, that support our values, and that help shift us through personal life challenges. We take some...
Healing Our Spiritual Pasts

Healing Our Spiritual Pasts

Today I want to begin a conversation about past experiences that have wounded us.  Specifically, I am focusing on experiences associated with spiritual or church organizations. We usually belong to a religion or congregation for some great reasons.  We’re looking for...
A Real Pain in the Rear

A Real Pain in the Rear

It’s next to impossible to be prepared for the unexpected.  Aside from hocking the family jewels to pay for insurance, all we can do is live right, stick with our values, and do whatever necessary to be healthy.  That is, until the unexpected happens.  I’m going to...
Healing Our Spiritual Pasts

Religion: Its Use and Misuse

The locked box of transcendence, for which all of us hold the key (something which a lot of people have forgotten or never learned) can open the universe to us and help us discover our unique place in it.  I had thought that organized religion might play a vital role...

Essay: Helping our Spiritually-Starved Children

I’m departing from my usual short blog posts to post a longer essay entitled: Helping our Spiritually-Starved Children.  This is a topic that requires a bit more explanation than can fit into a typical blog post of 400 or so words.  Hopefully it will be a...