Why Sex is So Important to Men

Why Sex is So Important to Men

My last post dealt with Sex: Use and Misuse.  Today I want you to reflect on intimacy and sex and why sex is so important for many men.  It’s because a lot of men are uncomfortable with intentional emotional intimacy and find sex to be a shortcut for them. A funny...

Being Miserable: Saboteurs in the Flesh

Years ago Mark, a brilliant professional man, came to speak with me as his parish priest.  He said that his alcoholic sister was constantly sucking the energy out of his life.  Whenever he was around her, he found himself leaving depressed, angry and frustrated.  He...

Being Miserable: Problems or Progress?

Tell me about your problems.  Don’t many of us wish to hear that as an opening line to a conversation?  Who among us is not at times hungry for someone to listen to the obstacles we’re encountering in life? But some of us do nothing but talk or think about our...

Be Miserable: Foster Negative Thinking

I recently read a series of “prescriptions for misery” online.  We often hear about positive thinking tips that make a lot of sense.  But some of us (like me) don’t readily recognize how to shoe-horn positive thoughts into our daily lives.  We don’t even realize we’re...
Why Sex is So Important to Men

Powerful Questions

Ever get stuck talking with your kids, your spouse or colleagues?  You know they’re struggling with something and all you get are dead-end or yes/no answers with no follow-up.  I recall many conversations as a child with my parents that ended at a blank wall of...