Life Coaching or Therapy: Your Choice?

Life Coaching or Therapy: Your Choice?

There are good and some questionable reasons to go to a psychotherapist. And the same holds true for life coaching. Sorting through these different solutions takes patience, awareness, and sound advice. One may need a therapist for acute or chronic mental illness,...
What You Never Knew About Life Coaches

What You Never Knew About Life Coaches

I think everyone can use a life coach at different points in their lives. Good life coaches can assist in ways that psychotherapy, counseling, and consulting cannot. Yet there’s a lot of misinformation, hype, and sometimes deception, about life coaching. First, I want...
What You Never Knew About Life Coaches

How Are You Listening?

I’m always on the lookout for good listeners!  Usually I’m on the other end…asking people about their lives and listening carefully as they launch into their stories. It’s as I have “You talk; I’ll listen” tattooed on my forehead! Listening carefully uses a lot of...