by Michael Parise | Apr 24, 2017
Do you feel lonely all the time? No? Now turn off the phone. Shut down the computer. Live off-line for two hours when you get home from work. Then tell me you don’t feel lonely. Many of us have repressed our feelings of loneliness by what I call “junk-food...
by Michael Parise | Oct 26, 2014
I’ve been hungry for intimacy most of my life. It’s more than a physical, sexual, or emotional connection. I’ve been seeking the kind of a deep communion with myself and the universe, a profound experience of the present moment when time stands still and I’m fully...
by Michael Parise | Mar 16, 2013
One trait of Highly Sensitive Persons that often goes unnoticed is that we tend to begin relationships where most people end up. In other words the “ladder” most people climb from mindless chit-chat to intimacy is often upside-down for HSP’s. We often and easily...
by Michael Parise | Jan 2, 2013
My mind is the clearest in the morning, particularly when I’m showering. Images, concrete and imagined, trigger a lot of thoughts. It feels like layers of protective barriers are washed away and I get to peek into what is making me tick. Or maybe I just have too...
by Michael Parise | Aug 22, 2012
Intimacy changes lives. Communication is the foundation of all intimacy. It makes sense, then, to understand with what kinds of communication we are most comfortable. We tend to communicate in two ways: verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication uses words, either...