Get Me Out of Here!

Get Me Out of Here!

Kids usually like birthday parties…but I remember one that I hated.  It was 1956; I was about four years old.   A little girl who lived in the three-family house across the driveway from our two-family in East Cambridge on Fifth and Gore Streets invited my brother and...
Get Me Out of Here!

Elusive Intimacy

One trait of Highly Sensitive Persons that often goes unnoticed is that we tend to begin relationships where most people end up.  In other words the “ladder” most people climb from mindless chit-chat to intimacy is often upside-down for HSP’s.  We often and easily...
Get Me Out of Here!


An email correspondent from England recently wrote to me with a question.  My response follows.  I invite any reader to email me with questions or concerns so that I might offer any help I can. Dear Man’s Coach, I hope all is well with you. There is something I wanted...