Hooked on Outcomes

Hooked on Outcomes

I am usually moved to write a blog post because of personal experiences or revelations I’ve had.  This time it has to do with making people happy and being attached that outcome. As humans we are self-centered beings with a tendency to be selfish.  We want to be...
Hooked on Outcomes

Are You Feeding Contentment?

My body needs to be nourished with good food, air, and water.  Every night while I sleep my body remakes itself using what I’ve fed it.  Molecules come together to form new tissue; genetics governs the whole process. If this ongoing cell replacement is so effective,...
Hooked on Outcomes

Facing My Biggest Fear

What is your biggest fear, the one you’ve struggled to overcome for years, the one that continues to stymie your best efforts at conquering?  Some people fear the concrete: animals or insects, flying or closed spaces.  My biggest fear is less tangible.   I fear living...
Hooked on Outcomes

Who are My Friends?

Facebook has put the word “friend” into the mouths and minds of millions.  We now can gather hundreds of people into our cyber-friend category.  But…who are the people you can count on as real friends?  Most of us intuitively know what real friendship is all about. ...
Hooked on Outcomes

Shared Living and Entitlement

A way in which many men can take the lead in their families has to do with intergeneration or shared living.  It has become necessary for many extended families to pool resources and cohabitate.  This means shared meals, shared responsibilities and many shared...