It’s not about you.  Really.

It’s not about you. Really.

Internal saboteurs keep showing up in his head, telling him that self promotion is not a good thing. He recently visited his older sister after a long hiatus and saw a repeat of some troubling behavior on her part.  Growing up she had been a strong influence in his...
It’s not about you.  Really.

Spirituality, the Original iPhone

Living in the iPhone age we tend to think all we need to communicate is literally at our fingertips.   With a few flicks and several taps we are able to go anywhere, see almost everything, and be in contact with nearly everyone.  Yet we don’t need to give Apple our...
It’s not about you.  Really.

The September Reboot

New Year’s Day has been all around the calendar like a lost tourist.  In the Roman Empire it was March 1.  Christians used Jesus’ circumcision feast, 8 days after his birth celebration.   I like the idea of the Jewish New Year beginning in September.  In the northern...
It’s not about you.  Really.

Are You an HSP?

 Are you are easily overwhelmed by stimuli, get stressed by loud noises and strong smells, are extremely perceptive, have a rich and often intense internal life, become depleted when it’s time for food and nutrition, and need plenty of quiet and down time to maintain...
It’s not about you.  Really.

Invitation to Dance

Gene Kelly, famous actor/dancer, produced an anthology film called “Invitation to Dance” in which there was no dialogue, only movement, to convey three distinct stories.  Since the dawn of humanity people have used non-verbal communication to convey deep intimacy. ...