by Michael Parise | Aug 9, 2012
Are you looking for a new job this summer? Changing careers? Laid off and looking for work of any kind to help you with your basic necessities? Clearly from the news reports you are not alone. This recession lingers as we are all caught in a world-wide seismic...
by Michael Parise | Jul 26, 2012
The serenity prayer, made popular by Alcoholics Anonymous and other twelve step recovery groups goes like this: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. It’s a simple...
by Michael Parise | Jul 24, 2012
Do you get depressed during the summer? One would think, especially in the Northeast that winter would be the most depressing season with short days, cold weather and road gridlock resulting from piles of plowed snow. Yet you may actually experience more depression...
by Michael Parise | Jul 23, 2012
I recently read a series of “prescriptions for misery” online. We often hear about positive thinking tips that make a lot of sense. But some of us (like me) don’t readily recognize how to shoe-horn positive thoughts into our daily lives. We don’t even realize we’re...
by Michael Parise | Jul 19, 2012
What have you done for me lately? How often we imagine our boss saying that to us? What if we heard it from our significant other, our kids or our friends? Being judged by our performance of tasks is not always unusual or unfair. This is the norm in a world where...