by Michael Parise | Sep 24, 2012
Internal saboteurs keep showing up in his head, telling him that self promotion is not a good thing. He recently visited his older sister after a long hiatus and saw a repeat of some troubling behavior on her part. Growing up she had been a strong influence in his...
by Michael Parise | Jul 20, 2012
What do you want, right now? Too often we focus on what we didn’t get in the past, what we hope to have in the future, but we don’t think enough about right this moment. By focusing on “now” we can relieve ourselves of a great deal of unnecessary stress. One of the...
by Michael Parise | Jul 7, 2012
There is often a negative stereotype about cheerleaders being vapid air heads who say nice things in order to quell rebellion and discontent in the ranks. “Go team!” Most people can see through mindless parroting of a company’s party line and just ignore it. A more...
by Michael Parise | Jul 2, 2012
Today we’re learning a bit of Japanese. The term “ichiban” (apart from being the name of a restaurant) means “number one, the best”. Are you ichiban? Are you the most important person in your life? Sunday I met Stephanie. She’s a divorced mother of four; the...
by Michael Parise | Jun 27, 2012
I realized in “Going Deeper,” the workshop on masculine/feminine energy I recently attended, how often I fight with myself and others. It’s almost a hobby, being in conflict with realities I don’t wish to experience. Sound familiar to anyone else? At one point Ian...