Most Controversial

Most Controversial

Say the word religion and you’ll get differing emotional responses from almost everyone ranging from unabashed, warm and fuzzy adoration to stomach-churning discomfort.  You may also receive the impression that a lot of people have entirely rejected the idea of...
Most Controversial

Religions: Being True to the Founder

This is the last in a series of posts on changes I believe religions must consider to remain relevant to the deeper call to transcendence in human experience. Only certain religions will remain truly relevant and useful to humanity in facilitating transcendence for...
Most Controversial

Religion: Radical Justice

Many religions try to lock up portals to transcendence by denying radical justice either to followers or non-members or both.  Ten years ago I published an article in the National Catholic Reporter, which used it as their cover story that week.  It was called...
Most Controversial

Religions: What Needs to Change

History has proven that whenever any religion gets too big an ego trouble ensues.  A prime example in Christianity is that of the Roman Catholic Church.  Unfortunately each era brings about a new opportunity for one religion or another to overplay its influence and...
Most Controversial

Religion: Its Use and Misuse

The locked box of transcendence, for which all of us hold the key (something which a lot of people have forgotten or never learned) can open the universe to us and help us discover our unique place in it.  I had thought that organized religion might play a vital role...