Change Your Life With Personal Rituals

Change Your Life With Personal Rituals

Most of us hear, “ritual” and we think, “religion.” Yet ritual goes far beyond that. At their heart rituals are actions we create for ourselves that have meaning for us, that support our values, and that help shift us through personal life challenges. We take some...
Grief’s Four Messages

Grief’s Four Messages

Recently a friend of mine lost his partner of almost two decades. He’s been like a cork bobbing on the ocean, unable to sense direction, purpose, or whether or not he is going to drown in sorry. Anyone who has lost a beloved person or even pet knows what I’m talking...
Grief’s Four Messages

Shifting Uncomfortably

Don’t you sometimes, like me, want to change life?  There are a lot of things about my body, my relationships, my finances, and my environment over which I would like to wave a magic wand, and transform.  Yet this power-to-change-the-world (megalomaniacal?)...