Single Dads

Single Dads

Not enough is written or spoken about children who are being raised primarily or exclusively by men.   The tendency in our culture is to believe that only mothers are innately capable of nurturing children.  Our media do little to dispel this myth.  Yet nothing is...
Single Dads

Helping with Questions

It often seems we’re hyper-sensitive about invading other people’s privacy.  As a result a lot of people engage in inane or boring conversation, trying to tip-toe around questions that appear to be invasive.  Yet asking questions, especially personal questions, can be...
Single Dads

That Voice

I spent the weekend near Brattleboro, Vt.  At the bed and breakfast I met Joseph from New York who, in his early forties, decided to change careers, go back to school, and become a lawyer.  Gutsy move!  He now practices law and is a part time judge in a lower court,...
Single Dads

The September Reboot

New Year’s Day has been all around the calendar like a lost tourist.  In the Roman Empire it was March 1.  Christians used Jesus’ circumcision feast, 8 days after his birth celebration.   I like the idea of the Jewish New Year beginning in September.  In the northern...
Single Dads

Confessions of an HSP, Part 2

As a highly sensitive person I coped for many decades by compartmentalizing my life.  I allowed my brain to process nearly all my emotions and reactions in order not to feel them.  I thought I was protecting myself from being overwhelmed by feelings of compassion and...