Daily stress from relatively trivial factors is one thing. Stress and trauma that have their origins in childhood or adult abuse, violence, addiction, and bullying, is another. These latter experiences require a lifetime of recovery, work, counsel, and sometimes serious medication.
Such unresolved issues can have a life of their own in our hearts and souls. They take the form of anger, resentment, fear, serial inappropriate relationships, PTSD, and unhealthy acting-out. Past trauma, whether caused by adults, peers, religious leaders or organizations, and war continue to interfere with clear thinking and actions that are in our best interest. We actually don’t even realize they are operating under the radar, influencing our thoughts, decisions, and ways of relating to others in a toxic brew of victimhood.
For those of you who are just coming into realization of these traumas, please seek professional help and the gentle, but intensive care that you need to begin a habit of recovery.
For those who have already begun this process toward a bright light in your heart and soul, you may benefit from life coaching as a more direct means to reaching YOUR goals. The right life coach will use empathy, intuition, and clarity to focus you on your priorities, hold you accountable, and celebrate your successes. Not every life coach will be the right one for you, so it’s a good idea to have conversations with several before making a decision.
And no, life coaching is not covered by insurance. But how valuable is your life and how much are you willing to invest short term for a lifetime of healing, of rewriting your emotional history, and of discovering the wonder of your unique and truly wondrous life? Check me out and see what I have to offer you. Parisecoaching@gmail.com www.MPariseLifeCoach.com