flower wI am an Intuitive Soul Mystic.  This means that I am always curious about the “who, what, and where” questions in people’s lives.  Who are you in this moment?  What is your purpose?  Where are you going?   I use a gift of powerful intuition to help people connect with their deepest spirits to move forward.  Usually within seconds I sense who they are, the gifts they bring to the world, and the limitations that trouble them.  I sense their emotions: fear, confidence, defensiveness, clarity, openness, wonder, sensitivity.  I often can tell if they’ve struggled with abuse and if their family of origins have been helpful or harmful.

Having a window into the lives of others is a solemn responsibility. Some may wonder how I know that my intuition is correct.  Yet that is the very essence of intuition.  I just know.  And after a short conversation I’m usually proven correct.

Everyone has intuition of one kind or another; sometimes a combination of two or more.  Some have powerful verbal messages that come to them.  Others receive powerful images.  Five main types of intuition come to mind:  prophetic, intellectual, heart, gut, and touch.

Prophetic intuition may manifest itself in a huge event or more often, in a tiny whisper deep inside our souls. As we mature in our relationship with ourselves and our higher power through prayer or meditation, we are able to hear this voice.  The message may nudge us toward the next good thing for our lives.  Or it may have to do with another person and a different context altogether. The universe is constantly bombarding us with useful and important information; we simply have to find a way to become quiet enough within ourselves to hear it.

flower z9Intellectual intuition often derives from “brain smart” people. They are able to “plug in” to another’s needs and often have the knack of coming up with just the right solution in a particular situation.  And they do so while remaining calm, without being overwhelmed by their emotions.  They can make major emergency life and death decisions at times when hanging back or being “nice” is the last thing one would need. The intellectual intuitive is invaluable in situations that demands logic and a clear and sensible response.

Heart intuition is centered on the soul.  The heart can sense feelings instantaneously and more readily than any other part of the human body.  Those who feel from the heart have an extraordinary degree of empathy and compassion.  They also may struggle with codependence, as their compassion sometimes prevents them from having appropriate boundaries.  Thus practicing “tough love” which comes naturally to the intellectual intuitive does not as easily come to heart intuitives.

Gut intuition is often considered the most common. It’s a “feeling” that seems to emanate from the pit of the stomach.  Gut intuition helps us to “read” people’s character, whether for good or ill.  It sets of an internal alarm when we’re in a place or situation of danger.  We use gut intuition by recognizing that “sinking filling” when it occurs and then moving it up to the brain where we can analyze the feeling and formulate a plan of action.

Touch intuition is extremely common, though under-appreciated in our fast-paced world. Our hands (and soles of our feet) are filled with energy centers that link to the rest of our bodies.  Through them we sense the energy of others, even from a distance.  For example, if one were to hold a hand two to three inches above the palm of someone with a strong touch intuition, a “warm vapor” would radiate from it.  Touch intuitives tend to excel in such endeavors as massage, pottery making, carpentry, surgery, painting, gardening, writings, cooks, and many other “hands-on” activities.  They use their touch to heal and communicate; they also receive a huge amount of information from others through their touch.

flower z6Almost everyone has been gifted with at least one of the five types of intuition.  Using them, practicing with them, and appreciating them can help others and ourselves be more emotionally intelligent.  We can return to the kind of “knowing” that prevailed for thousands of years among humans before empirical science began to dominate our thinking and analysis of the world.  How does your intuition manifest?  Where is it leading you?  For what purpose?

pictures by Andrew Ciccarelli