Money Makes the World Go Around

Money Makes the World Go Around

Let’s face it, we all think we need more money. Are you thinking about leaving your job for a higher salary or better benefits? As a Life/Career Coach I work with professionals who need to cut through the inner voices (saboteurs) that keep them from making sound...
Money Makes the World Go Around

Leaving For A Change

In my Life/Career Coaching, I’ve worked with plenty of clients adjusting to major change. They were dissatisfied with their sabotaging thoughts, wishful thinking, people pleasing, and frustrating relationships. Many were also tired of their job routines and career...
Money Makes the World Go Around

Where Your Core Meets the Road

Years ago there was a television commercial for Firestone tires with a catchy jingle: ‘Where the rubber meets the road!” The same is true of the core of our humanity.  Life happens where the ‘core meets the road.’ Where is your life going right now?What is the...
Money Makes the World Go Around

Seven Tips to ‘Human-Being’

I know you want to be successful in what you do. It’s pretty easy to measure success. But do you feel successful? So many of us are so busy that we put aside how we feel. And even if you feel successful you may not savor that feeling for very long. Distractions at...
Money Makes the World Go Around

Spiritually Courageous or AWOL?

Would you consider yourself spiritually courageous? In my opinion this means that you gather strength from the core of who you are, to act on your values, even when seemingly impossible. Have you ever been spiritually AWOL (absent-with-out-leave)? This means that...
Money Makes the World Go Around

What You Never Knew About Life Coaches

I think everyone can use a life coach at different points in their lives. Good life coaches can assist in ways that psychotherapy, counseling, and consulting cannot. Yet there’s a lot of misinformation, hype, and sometimes deception, about life coaching. First, I want...